Hi, my name is Davida Hartman, I am the Clinical Director of The Adult Autism Practice, and late identified ADHD.
Our team considers it a great priviledge that you have chosen us to support you in your identification journey.
If you haven't already, I would recommend reading through the Frequently Asked Questions section of our website.
It is very important to us that you feel prepared and comfortable, every step of the way. So, if you are unsure about anything or do not agree with anything in this form, please email us at info@adultautism.ie and we will do our utmost to help.
If you are ready to start, this form has 4 different main sections.
1. A Consent Form
2. An Autistic Experience Intake Form
3. An ADHD Experience Intake Form (which you only need to fill in if you are going to be undertaking additional in depth invesitgation of ADHD)
4. CORE-OM Form
The Consent Form introduces who we are and how we work, and gathers some basic details about you and allows you to give your consent to proceed further.
The Autistic Experience Intake Form allows you to share more detailed experiences about your life, in the many areas related to the Autistic experience.
The ADHD Experience Intake Form allows you to share more detailed experiences in the areas related to the ADHD experience.
The CORE-OM Form is a questionnaire about your current mental health.
Completing everytihng in this form is likely to take a long time. You will be able to save it as you go along.
Please ensure to click SUBMIT at the very end of this form or we will not receive it.
Here are the steps of the process of booking in and working with us:
1. Read the FAQ on our website
2. When you are ready, click the ‘Make a Booking’ button
3. Fill in the Intake Form and submit. You will be given the opportunity there to choose what option you would like. If you are only doing Autistic identification with us, you do not need to fill in the ADHD intake questions
4. You are now on our waiting list. We will send you an invite email as soon as you reach the top (keep an eye on your junkmail folder!)
5. Respond to the invite email saying that you are ready to pay and book
6. Wait to receive and invoice and then make payment online. Let us know you have paid
7. View online psychologists’ calendars
8. If you are booking for a Consultation, book 1 appointment. If you are booking for an Autistic identification only, book 3 appointments. If you are attending for Autistic & ADHD identification, book 5. However, please note that psychologists may only have 1-2 sessions available. In that case it is ok, just book in as many as you can and you can discuss with your psychologist about dates/times for future appointments. If you are booking in for Autistic & ADHD identification, make sure to book in with a psychologist who supports both (this will be clear in the psychologist’s information)
9. If you attend for a Consultation, and want to continue with a full identification (of a choice of just Autistic, just ADHD or Autistic & ADHD) contact us to let us know. You will then be sent another invoice to pay. Once this is paid, you can book in for further sessions (2 more sessions if just Autistic OR ADHD, 4 sessions if looking at both)
10. If you are identified as Autistic and/or ADHD, allow 2 weeks for documentation. You can also book your appointment with Thriving Autistic (this can be at any time)
11. If you are not identified as either, you can still attend a complimentary follow up session with Thriving Autistic. You can also receive a document confirming the outcome if you want one
We very much look forward to getting to know you!